FAQs: Servicing, Deferring Payments, and Forbearance
During this incredibly difficult time Embrace Home Loans is here to support our borrowers any way that we can. Below you will find information on current mortgage payment assistance.
Do I need to make my mortgage payment during this pandemic?
Who qualifies for assistance?
What type of assistance am I eligible for?
Who determines if I am eligible for assistance?
After a loan has closed, sometimes Embrace remains responsible for the Loan servicing, and sometimes the servicing responsibility is transferred to another.
If Embrace retained the servicing of your loan, then your loan would be serviced right now by Rushmore Mortgage Services on behalf of Embrace, and you should be making your monthly mortgage payments to Rushmore.
If the servicing of your loan was transferred, then you should contact the company to whom you are making your monthly mortgage payments for further information about your options for COVID relief.
What is the contact information for
Rushmore Mortgage Services:
Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 6:00PM CST
COVID-19 Information
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) has begun to affect all facets of our daily lives, we felt it was important to let you know how Embrace is adapting in this developing situation.
At Embrace, our values guide how we do business and take care of our customers, teammates, and business partners. The decisions we’ve made during this unprecedented time have been based on our values of community, courage, empowerment, fulfillment, love, innovation, and achievement.
The health and safety of our employees and customers are of the utmost importance. We have been working hard to try and minimize disruptions so that everyone can carry on with business as usual (or as close as possible). Necessary steps we’ve taken include:
- Coordinating with property management and cleaning companies to ensure minimal spread of germs.
- Providing teammates with important information about what they can do to prevent the spread of germs.
- Conducting a census of our workers to fill any technological needs and determine who is prepared to work from home.
- Requiring most employees to work remotely to support the importance of social distancing.
- Redeploying teammates to fill vital functions and appointing a group of critical employees on-site to ensure mail and important customer documentation is received and recorded.
We are also in close, daily communication with our partners regarding best practices for health and safety, as well as their current plans for how they’re doing business. If there are ever any changes, we will keep our customers and partners updated.
Our No. 1 goal is ensuring that customers waiting to get into their new homes will be able to close on time. We know buying a home during a time like this can be scary, but we will do everything we can to keep things on track. Unexpected issues may come up, but we are in this together.
Thank you for your patience and your business as we all navigate this challenging time together. Stay healthy and hopeful — and remember that we’re here to assist you, answer any questions you may have, and help you find the right mortgage for your unique situation. We plan on remaining open and imparting our best efforts to serve our borrowers.
Your Friends at Embrace